
The Journal. Time well spent.

How does a publication like The Wall Street Journal survive in this new media landscape?

As a trusted source of trends, media and news updates it aligns itself with those who need to know. If you’re ambitious, you should be a Wall Street Journal reader.

The Time Well Spent campaign was the first under this new strategy.

It enlisted the services of influencers across a variety of disciplines and showed first hand that those with no time, still made time to read The Journal.


How does a publication like The Wall Street Journal survive in the new media landscape?

As a trusted source of trends, media, and news updates it aligns itself with those who need to know. If you’re ambitious, you should be a Wall Street Journal reader.

The Time Well Spent campaign enlisted the services of influencers across a variety of disciplines and showed firsthand that those with no time, still made time to read The Journal.

This thought also filtered down into direct subscriber sign up campaigns. Some consumers still primarily view The Wall Journal as a print publication, so this spot showed the wide array of devices, applications, and broad approach to information intake that the Wall Street Journal can offer any subscriber.