Advertising Creative Director Writer

War Child. Go free.

War Child is a charity that works with former child soldiers and displaced children due to conflicts and war. 

To show this change I co-created the campaign Go Free. It was a new direction for the company with the emphasis on freedom, fluidity and life progression.

‘Go Free’ launched with Nyakor, a Sudanese model who was born into a war conflict zone and had been on the move ever since.

The story was crafted by me and told Nyakor’s very personal story. Broadcast supported by social activity.

WAR CHILD. Go free.


WAR CHILD. Go free. ✊🏾

War Child is a charity that works with former child soldiers and displaced children due to conflicts and war. 

‘Go Free’ launched with Nyakor, a Sudanese model who was born into a war conflict zone and had been on the move ever since.

The story told Nyakor’s very personal story. Broadcast supported by social activity.